Homeland - southeastern regions of North America. The plant is perennial, rhizomatous, herbaceous. Stems are simple, up to 50 cm tall, heavily leafy.
Leaves are linear. The baskets are small, 8-13-flowered, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence up to 35 cm long. The flowers are only tubular, purple-red, less often white.
Blooms in June-July for 35-40 days. Bears fruit. In culture since 1732.
Location: grows well in a sunny, warm or hot location.
Soil: moderately dry, fresh, loose, rich in nutrients. On heavy, damp soils the plant rots.
Care: treat the bush in the spring. Fertilize the soil well. Cut off the inflorescences after they bloom. The rhizome is often gnawed by mice. Winter-hardy without shelter, freezes only in severe snowless winters.
Reproduction: by dividing the bush and seeds. 1.0 g = 400 seeds.
There are no difficulties with germinating seeds and raising seedlings. Seedlings bloom in the third year. Division is recommended every 3 years. With proper care, even small cuttings will bloom in the first year. The transplant can be tolerated without damage during any growing season.
Use: for group and border plantings. Original when cut, suitable for forcing.
Partners: goes well with anaphalis, gypsophila and tall sedums.

Special features: A lower growing seed strain with the same impressive architectural flowering spikes as the wild species
Colour: Lilac-rose blossoms on stiff spikes that flower (interestingly!) from the top down
Natural Flowering Period: July - September
Winter Hardiness Zones: Z3-8.
Growth Habit: Thick clumps
Foliage: Narrow basal leaves 25 cm long
Height with Flower: 40 cm
Spacing between Plants: 50 cm
Soil Requirement: Well-drained soils but will prefer a bit more moisture than other Liatris species, pH 5.8 - 6.8
Location: Full sun
Use: Plant together in the border with Knautia macedonica, Lavandula "Hidcote Blue Superior" and Platycodon "Fairy Snow"
Specialities: Easy and reliable from seed, attracts bees
Cultural Tips:
Grams per 1000 seeds: 3,333
Seeds per Gram: 300
Seeding Recommendation: 10 g / 1000 plants
Sowing Rate: 3 seeds per cell
Plug tray recommended size(s): 72 or 128
Germination: Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C. Seeds must be covered thinly. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs. The germination might be slower and more irregular. This poses no problems.
Best Sowing Dates: Anytime
Sowing to Germination: 2 - 3 weeks
Germination to Transplant: 4 - 8 weeks
Transplanting to Salable Plant: 6 - 10 weeks
Cutting-Back at Transplanting: not Necessary.
Blazing (Dense gayfeather), button snakeroot, colic-root, dense blazingstar, devil's bit, gay-feather, spiked gayfeather. Bot. syn.: Lacinaria spicata (L.)